Visit Townsend, Tennessee & Network With a Successful Military Community!

February 27 - March 1, 2025 (March 2 for WR Members)

Watch This Video To See The Highlights From Last Year...


Townsend, Tennessee - in a hotel that has been found, purchased, funded, and operated by members of our War Room Mastermind community, just 2 Miles from the entrance of Smoky Mountain National Park!


Day 1 (February 27)- Travel, check-in, network, get situated, Pizza Party and some libations!

Day 2 (February 28)- Opening ceremony, speaker presentations, lunch, more speaker presentations, VIP dinner, and networking!

Day 3 (March 1) - Speaker presentations, lunch, more speaker presentations, closing ceremony, and networking!

Day 4 (March 2 for non-members) - Departure and "Until Next Time(s)"! -- you're welcome to join us if you feel compelled to join the War Room during the event. No pressure either way, though.

Day 4 (March 2 for WR Members) - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are covered. Personal development activities, presentations, and the first-ever "War Room Games" competitive activities!

Day 5 (March 3) - Departure and "Until Next Time(s)"!


  • Lunch, Dinner, & Networking!

  • Indoor Pool & Hot Tub Chillin!

  • (potential) Hiking Activities

  • More networking

  • Good times near the most popular national park in the country: Smoky Mountain National Park!

Lodging - We Have a Room Block Discount to Purchase From!

The hotel is currently undergoing a $3.3M renovation, and everybody will have a newly-renovated room to stay in during the event!!

Single Bed, King Rooms: ($99/night)

Two Bed, Queen Rooms: ($99/night)

"That's great... But what's all this going to cost?"

Don't Miss This Opportunity To Meet Your Community In Person AND Get The Support You Need To Achieve Your Personal & Financial Goals

There Are Only 110 Seats Available For This And So Far We Have:

97/110 BOOKED

Important - Read These FAQs:

Is Lodging Included?

Lodging is not included in the ticket price for this event. **Investors in the hotel get a free stay: Contact Blake to secure. Get on my investor list for future deals here!

Click Here for the discounted room rate at the hotel for the event.

You can also call-in and use the code: "War Room"

Is Food Included?

There will be a continental breakfast at the hotel every day, and Lunches will be provided every day. Dinner will be on your own, with the exception of the VIP dinner.Food

Allergies:-Allergies should be disclosed prior to the event, and any failure to disclose said allergies, or partaking in food known to have said items, will not be the responsibility of FMTM

Are activities included?

Yes they are!

Is There A Shuttle From The Airport to the Airbnb Or Vice Versa?

No - You will be responsible for transportation to the hotel. I recommend Uber, or a rental car.

*For Departure, we will have a bus make 1-2 trips to get you back to the Knoxville airport on both March 2nd and March 3rd. - A rental car will give you more flexibility in departure times though!

Can I Bring My Spouse?


You are welcome to bring a plus 1 to the hotel. Spouse, business partner, kiddo, etc.

*However, they will only be allowed to partake in the conference/meals on day 1 & 2 if they purchase their own ticket for the event.

**Day 3 (the WR Members only day) you are permitted a plus 1 at no extra charge (limited to spouse, business partner, child).

***You will need to inform our team via: of their attendance in order for them to be accounted for regarding food and/or swag.

Cancellation policy

Canellations / Refunds will work as following:

- 100% refundable prior to December 15th (if you refund, I want to be able to give early-bird pricing to somebody else)

- 50% refundable between December 15th and January 30th-No refund after January 30th

*exceptions will be made if leave request is denied ...upon receipt of proof of denial, that shows date leave request was submitted.

Also, we will miss you! (see sad face to the right)...

FAQ image